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You’ve built an amazing workforce development program. Now it’s time to hire and onboard your new employees.

Develop a Talent-Ready Workforce!

You’ve built an amazing workforce development program. Now it’s time to hire and onboard your new employees.

The 10 steps to your Future Workforce program are outlined here.

Let’s dive in to the last step, Hiring


Don’t skimp on this process. You have invested years into developing and hiring your candidates. Make sure you have an onboarding process that demonstrates the value of this new employee to your company and all of the things that are important to your new Gen Z hire.

Don’t forget the basics:

  • Greet your employee, pair them with a coworker mentor to assist with onboarding
  • Give a tour, talk about how they fit in the organization, emphasize their importance
  • Make sure they have equipment and resources they need
  • Be clear on roles and responsibilities

There are lots of onboarding checklists. Just make sure you do it and it’s consistent with the company culture and program that you have represented to the candidate over years of working with them on their development.

Remember a Develop-to-Hire Workforce Development Strategy is a long-term investment into the future success of your company! It’s worth the effort and investment.


In this series, we will dive in to each step and discuss how to implement this strategy and create a qualified workforce.

View the full series outline here.